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  • Applied Sciences 0 questions The application of existing scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, leading to innovations in technology, engineering, medicine, and other fields. Applied sciences focus on using theoretical knowledge to create tangible results and improvements in daily life.
  • Formal Sciences 0 questions The study of formal systems, such as mathematics, logic, and computer theory, focusing on abstract structures, models, and principles rather than empirical observations. Formal sciences provide the tools and frameworks used in many other scientific disciplines.
  • Humanities 0 questions The study of human culture, values, and expression, typically through literature, history, philosophy, languages, and the arts. The humanities emphasize critical and interpretive methods, focusing on understanding human experience and creativity.
  • Interdisciplinary Sciences 0 questions The integration of multiple scientific disciplines to address complex problems and explore new fields of study. These sciences bridge gaps between traditional fields, leading to advancements in areas like cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology.
  • Natural Sciences 1 question The study of the natural world, including physical, chemical, biological, and astronomical phenomena. Natural sciences rely on empirical evidence and experimentation to understand and explain the laws and behaviors of nature.
    • Astronomy 0 questions The study of celestial bodies like stars, planets, and galaxies, and the broader universe beyond Earth's atmosphere.
    • Earth Sciences 0 questions The study of the Earth's structure, properties, processes, and its atmosphere. It includes disciplines like geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science.
    • Life Sciences 0 questions The branch of science that studies living organisms, including biology, ecology, genetics, and other fields related to the processes of life.
    • Physical Sciences 1 question The study of non-living systems, encompassing subjects like physics, chemistry, and material sciences, which explore the fundamental principles governing matter and energy.
      • Chemistry 0 questions The study of substances, their properties, reactions, and interactions, fundamental to understanding the composition of matter.
      • Physics 1 question The study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature, exploring everything from particles to the universe as a whole.
  • Philosophy of Science 0 questions The study of the foundations, methods, and implications of science. It explores what constitutes scientific knowledge, the validity of scientific theories, and how science interacts with other domains, such as ethics and logic.
  • Social Sciences 0 questions The study of human behavior and societies, examining social structures, relationships, and cultural development. Social sciences often involve qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand human actions and their impact on communities.
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